10 April 2007

Heart Rate

I'm 34 years old. As I'm getting older, I must train my heart accordingly. So, lets do the Karvonen Formula on training based on heart rate:
Maximum heart rate > 220 - 34 = 186
My resting heart rate > 80

Therefore, my working heart rate > 186 - 80 = 106

The following are the start of the training zones:
Start of aerobic zone (70% effort) > 80 + (0.7*106) = 154
Start of anearobic zone (80% effort) > 80 + (0.8*106) = 165
Start of red zone (90% effort) > 80 + (0.9*106) = 175
Must stop > 80 + 106 = 186

Yesterday, I bought Sigma PC9 heart beat monitor, and these are the number that I crunched into it:

Maximum heart rate > 186
Start of health zone > 134
Start of fitness zone > 154
Start of performance zone > 165
End of performance zone > 175

If you have any positive comment about the calculation, please e-mail me.